Are GEM Cars Any Good?

GEM cars are portable vehicles that belong to the low-speed vehicle group. Low-speed vehicles are cars automobiles that have a maximum speed of 25 mph. Although they look small, they can drive you around the neighborhood, and thanks to their open construction, you can feel as if you are on a bike or a scooter, making your riding experience exciting. But the good question is, are these cars really good? 

GEM cars have their benefits. Although you can’t compare them to Tesla EVs or EVs from other reputable car manufacturers, GEM vehicles have a pretty solid battery range. Plus, they are readily affordable and are allowed to be driven on the road. So in all, they are GEM cars are good. 

However, they aren’t good for long-distance travel, so if you plan to move from one state to another across two cardinal points, you could spend several days or even weeks on the road. If you are lucky, you can see charging points along the roads to help you with your journey. Generally, I’d advise that you don’t get a GEM car for this purpose. 

These days, GEM vehicles are manufactured with as many as six passenger seats, including the driver’s seat. So, you can afford to carry your family along for fun riding. There are also utility vehicles that are mainly designed for transporting loads. They are the heavier-duty version of the passenger vehicles. 

What is a GEM car?

GEM stands for Global Electric Motors. Most people think that GEM is a standalone company that manufacturers only low-speed vehicles. While they manufacture low-speed vehicles, GEM isn’t a standalone company but a subsidiary of Polaris Industries. Polaris Industries was established in 1954 and is now a leading company in the motorsports industry. The company manufactures and promotes premium-quality cars for on and off-road uses. GEM manufactures LSVs. 

GEM cars are low-speed vehicles (LSVs) with a limited range, seats, and relatively average battery. GEM cars are meant to be driven around the neighborhood or district, and not for far distances. Most GEM cars are equipped with electric batteries, usually a 72v battery system. Although you can find others with a 48v battery. With these batteries, the car can barely make it past 180 km on a single charge. 

Let’s talk discuss the company’s history. Global Electric Motors was founded in 1992 by a team of engineers who worked at General Motors. The name then was Trans2. 

However, the ex-GM engineers later sold the company to a North Dakota investors group, and the headquarters was relocated to Fargo, North Dakota. The company began manufacturing in 1998, unveiling its first vehicle, a two-passenger 48v GEM Car. This car had a top speed of 32 km/h. Interestingly, barely two months after the emergence of the car, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration named a new class of vehicles, known as low-speed vehicles. This designation allowed GEM cars to be driven on public roads posting 35 mph. However, they must meet specific safety requirements, such as safety belts, headlamps, windshield wipers, etc. 

These innovative and environmentally-friendly cars have gone past over 450M miles and have reportedly saved over 75 million liters of gasoline. As of the time of this publication, GEM cars are available in six various models for intra-city use. As I said, this type of car is unsuitable for long-distance travel. They are great for taxi-shuttle services and community riding. 

How long do GEM cars last?

It depends on the condition of the battery. Factors like ambient temperature, terrain, driving style, age of the battery, and tires can affect the range of a GEM vehicle. It also depends on the available charge. Typically, a GEM car is powered by six, 12v batteries connected in a chained series to make up a 72v battery system. If batteries aren’t fully charged, you won’t attain a good range. 

On the other hand, if they are fully charged, they can keep you on the road longer. At most, it can get up to 98 miles on a charge pending if all the conditions are favorable. 

Are GEM vehicles street legal?

GEM vehicles are street legal in virtually all the fifty states in the U.S., with a 35 mph posting on all public roads. Typically, GEM vehicles have a range of 50 – 160 km on a single charge. Recharging a 72v battery system takes about eight hours. 

How much does a GEM car cost?

GEM vehicles’ costs are less expensive and cost-effective than their regular gasoline-powered counterparts. 

GEM e2, the smallest EV vehicle from the brand with five batteries costs roughly about $10.8k. The e4, with four forward-facing seats, a big footprint, three-point safety belts, five batteries, panoramic view, and defrost options cost more than the e2. The e6 is the most expensive. 

GEM Car Vs. Golf Cart 

Many people get confused about whether a GEM car is the same as a golf cart. Judging by their shape and resemblance, it’s fair to say that your confusion is justifiable. Although a GEM car is designed like a golf cart, the former has many extra features that set it apart from golf carts. GEM automobile is also equipped with safety features and can be driven on a public road, unlike a golf cart. 

Golf carts have a poor range. They don’t go past ten miles, whereas GEM cars can hit up to 98 miles on a single charge. So, based on range, GEM vehicles outperform golf carts. 

Safety-wise and comfort, GEM cars win. As I said, they come with additional features that enhance comfort. Your choice depends on what you want. 

Related Questions

1. Do GEM cars have AC?

GEM cars have no air conditioning, neither do they have doors. Although, some have plastic doors.  

2. Does Polaris make a golf cart?

Polaris manufacture golf carts, alongside low-speed EVs, snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles. 

3. Can you make a GEM car go faster?

Yes, you can make a GEM car go faster using a speed kit, such as the Ride-4-Fun Speed Kit. This kit can boost the speed of your GEM EV by 7 – 10 mph. 


GEM cars can be a fine addition to your list of EVs if you want something portable for short-range driving. They come in different models, so I’m certain that you will find the one that suits you the most, whether you are single or have a family. However, they are not ideal for long-range driving, so you shouldn’t attempt to drive across town or a city.