Does Electricity Travel on the Outside of a Wire?

People are often terrified of touching the wires as they fear that they will catch a current type of feeling, but is it true? Does touching at the outside of the wire give you a current feel?  Does electricity travel on the outside of a wire? It is believed that electric charges in a wire … Read more

How Far Does Lightning Travel in Water?

Thunder is caused by rapid heating up of air, up to 54000, degrees Fahrenheit by lightning. It is a wave shock that is acoustic. Seawater is a good conductor of electricity, which means that whenever lightning strikes the water surface, it spreads radially.  It is believed that the current travels horizontally up to twenty feet … Read more

Can You Charge a Wheelchair Battery With a Car Charger?

People often tend to lose and forget about the wheelchair’s battery system and charger. This often leads them to wonder whether a car charger will be able to charge their wheelchair’s battery?  The answer to this is yes, you can charge your wheelchair with your car battery. It is safe and is also very convenient. … Read more

Does Electricity Travel On The Outside Of a Wire

Have you ever wondered or probed how electric currents move from one point to another by the extension of a wire (cable)? Does it sound amazing to you or it looks like a form of witchcraft? You plug your electrical appliance into an electric socket or switch the light bulb on and it turns out … Read more

Wallbox vs Juicebox [Differences and What It Means for Ownership]

Searching for home electric vehicle charging hardware and don’t actually have the foggiest idea where to begin? Relax, you’re in good company. There are tons of EV home charging stations accessible today and a great many people don’t actually have the foggiest idea what highlights to search for as they continued looking for the best … Read more

How to Bypass Electric Meter With Jumper Cables?

When people believe they are paying excessive electricity costs, they frequently bypass electric meters. Electric meter tampering or bypassing has always been considered illegal. People, on the other hand, rarely stop doing it. Electricity is provided by the government in most countries. Traditional meters were used by the government and private sectors to monitor current … Read more

Brightbox vs Powerwall [Differences and What It Means for Ownership]

Record storms, heat waves, and rapidly spreading fires this year have uncovered weaknesses with the electric framework’s maturing foundation, leaving a huge number of individuals without power. Thus, batteries are turning into a famous expansion to sun powered charger frameworks all through the U.S and the world at large. Energy storage can give reinforcement power … Read more

Does Cruise Control Kill Your Battery?

A cruise control system is used in cars to make long-distance driving easier and to help with fatigue. By maintaining a constant speed throughout your drive, this system takes control of your car’s acceleration and speed. The cruise control system does not use the car’s acceleration and you do not need to press the accelerator … Read more