Can You Drive a Chevy Volt Without Charging?

Just in case you had no idea, the Chevy volt is a hybrid car. It is dynamic in nature and can switch between gasoline and electricity. This is hands down the best invention yet. The Chevy volt as a result of the advanced technology used to make it, can go for very long hours with electricity alone. 

I feel like this is a better combo and looking to get extra batteries in your electric car. It saves you from getting range anxiety as it switches from electric to diesel when necessary, or if you want to conserve battery. 

Can You Drive a Chevy Volt Without Charging? Yes, you can. The Chevyvolt can operate just fine on gas alone without charging the battery. This is why most people prefer to go for this option when getting an electric car. This way you can run the Ac or heater as long as you want and not have to worry about your mileage and range reducing or affecting your battery capacity. 

Needless to say, but the Chevy volt has proven to be one of the longest lasting electric car with a strong battery capacity. Because you can switch between gasoline and electricity, your battery life and capacity is conserved and last longer than other electric cars. 

However, I want to say that regardless of the fact that it is a hybrid vehicle and you can run on gasoline, you’re buying the vehicle mainly because it is an electric car, so don’t forget to experience what it feels like to run an electric car. I prefer to think of the gasoline option as a standby generator ready to be turned on when necessary. 

If you’re going to buy a Chevy volt, there’s still a lot you need to know about it, how it works, etc and a few extra information. In this article, I’ll run you through on the things you need to know. Without wasting any further time, let’s get into what we have. 

What type of charger does a Chevy Volt use?

Just like everything that requires charging, using the appropriate charger is idea. This applies to all electric cars and your Chevy volt as well. 

The Chevy volt was introduced in the year 2010. The first model to come out was the 2011 model. Since then new models with awesome features and specs have been released. It has become one of the world’s top plugin vehicles.

One of the draw backs to using a Chevy volt is that it is not compatible with DC chargers. Sadly, this is one of the most frequently seen and spotted in charging stations. Don’t get me wrong, DC chargers are great and most electric cars and vehicles make use of it. However, because the Chevy volt is a plug in vehicles, making using of a DC charger is not ideal. 

The Chevy volt makes use of a level 2 and level 1 charger. These are 240-volt charging systems with cables that connect to the standard charging port in your car. It is a better pick when compared to level 1 and DC chargers because it charges your Chevy volt fast and possibly any other electric car compatible with it. 

But regardless, the Chevy volt doesn’t offer fast charging options since it is a hybrid electric car and can easily switch to gasoline. 

Does the Chevy Volt need to be plugged in?

No, your Chevy volt doesn’t need to be plugged in all the time. Because sometimes you may want to get a Chevy volt but the area where you live in doesn’t have charging outlets or free charging spot. 

So, you’re left with the option of either moving to a better location where there are a good number of charging spots or just run on gasoline for the mean time till you move to a better area. You can also charge it occasionally if you have a friend with a charging socket at home or you go into town. 

The Chevy volt is best charged at night, where electricity consumption is at its lowest and it is assured that your battery would be filled up by morning as far as there is constant light supply. 

There are also free charging spots but they obviously won’t want you to stay more than two hours, which isn’t enough to fill up your Chevy volt battery. At the very least, a minimum of two hours can get you battery charged up to about 50%

What happens when the Chevy Volt runs out of electricity?

The idea behind creating a hybrid vehicle was to have the gasoline option run as a stand by generator. Your Chevy volt can go very long distances before the battery dies completely. 

Once your battery is depleted completely, the gasoline engine activates. In other words, range anxiety isn’t for Chevy owners as you will still be able to drive to your desired destination as far as there is enough gasoline in it. The only time you be worried is if you run out of battery and Gasoline at the same time, 


But regardless, I’m actually happy that a car like this exits. Because usually it’s either you’re low on gas and have to find somewhere to buy gas from, or your electronic car dies on you and you’re required to contact your road side services provider. But with the Chevy volt, both options are available for you. So if you’re ever stuck on the road for running out of fuel and battery, you have yourself to blame. 

Can you drive a Chevy volt long distance?

Yes, if you’re a fan of road trips, you’ll definitely enjoy using the Chevy volt. It can go longer distances than other electronic and gasoline alternatives. This is mainly possible because it is a hybrid vehicle, so if you ever run out of battery or fuel while on the road, you can switch to the other available option, thus increasing your Chevy volt range. 

The ride quality is as smooth too, with nothing standing out one way or another and that’s a good thing. Not only do you get a very good range and mileage, it also runs very quietly, which if you asked me is divine. 

If anybody wanted to take me on a road trip, I’d always suggest we hire a Chevy volt if there was none available at that moment. With how long it last, you can also travel interstate and still have enough mileage remaining. I definitely won’t hesitate to go on a road trip with a Chevy volt. 

How long do Chevy Volt batteries last?

With proper use and maintenance, a Chevy Volt can last 200,000 to 300,000 miles. You could also hit 400,000 miles before experiencing battery degradation and servicing of some expensive parts. 

If you treat your Chevy volt properly, it can last up to 20 years and still be sold as a premium used vehicle. General Motors guarantees that the battery would last 100,000 miles before losing 10 to 30 percent of its original capacity. But because the Chevy volt is a hybrid vehicle, it is expected to last longer than the assumed time. 

However, because it is a hybrid car, keep in mind that maintenance isn’t as cheap as other electronic cars. You might run into a few 100 dollars to service your Chevy volt. 


Before I got an electric car, I would usually wonder how and where it was being charged. So if you’re not an electric driver, it may not be a very visible thing for you to notice. But as soon as you get your very first electronic car, getting to know the charging spots in your area is ideal. 

The Chevy volt is an amazing vehicle and I wish everyone could experience how it feels as some point in their life. If you still have further questions about the Chevy volt, don’t forget to drop it in the comment section and you’ll definitely be responded to.