How Far Does Lightning Travel in Water?

Thunder is caused by rapid heating up of air, up to 54000, degrees Fahrenheit by lightning. It is a wave shock that is acoustic. Seawater is a good conductor of electricity, which means that whenever lightning strikes the water surface, it spreads radially. 

It is believed that the current travels horizontally up to twenty feet in a horizontal manner from the position on which it is struck. 

If someone is swimming in a fresh water source, they are at greater risk from lightning than the one who is in the seawater. This is because seawater is a good conductor of electricity, whereas freshwater is a poor conductor. This results in the human body becoming the sponge for the lightning strike. 

To know more about lightning and the precautions one should take, read on!

What Is Lightning? 

Lightning is a natural electrostatic discharge in which the two electrically charged regions that are present in the atmosphere as well as on the ground, neutralize themselves. This neutralization causes the release of one gigajoule of energy. Joule is the unit of energy. 

The release of this energy produces electromagnetic radiation which causes flashes of light in the form of black-body radiation. Due to lightning, thunders develop due to the discharge of some gases which results in a sudden increase in pressure and form thunders. 

Lightning occurs only when thunderstorms take place and also, when volcanic eruptions take place, volcanic lightning occurs. 

The table below demonstrates how far the lightning is after you hear thunder.

Thunder SoundLighting
5 seconds after a flash1 mile away
10 seconds after a flash2 miles away
15 seconds after a flash3 miles away
20 seconds after a flash4 miles away
25 seconds after a flash5 miles away
30 seconds after a flash6 miles away

Note that if you don’t want to get electrocuted, you have to be at least six miles away from it. So, if the distance is six miles or less, you need to seek shelter immediately. 

What Happens When Lightning Strikes Water? 

First of all, lightning rarely strikes water sources like the ocean, seawater, or any other freshwater. It strikes the land mostly but when it does strike the water sources the lightning spreads evenly over the water sources. 

The seawater acts as a conductor and it can hit the handy boats or electrocute the fish swimming near the surface. It’s advisable to move away from the beach and out of the water if you hear thunderstorms or witness lightning in your vicinity. 

Take shelter in your car or any building which seems to be near the coast. If you’re in the sea, head back to land. If you are in the middle of the sea and are unable to rush back to the shore, stay low in the boat or retreat to a cabin. 

Also, this point is very imperative for your safety, if a thunderstorm is taking place near you, don’t use your electronic devices and refrain from doing it for a while. 

Each year, millions of lightning flashes fill the sky and each lightning flash has the potential to cause a devastating effect. 

How Far Does Lightning Travel in a River? 

It is believed that the strike point or the point where lightning strikes in the water has a large voltage. 

Although, as the lightning spreads on the water surface the intensity of the voltage diminishes and dissipates. 

So, yes it is harmful to stay and swim in the river when lightning is occurring and it is advisable to stay away from the water during that time. 

How Far Does Lightning Travel in a Lake? 

The lightning can travel for approximately 20 meters vertically downwards in the lake or any water body. 

It is believed that if you are near the water surface, approximately in a radius of 10 meters, you are likely to get struck by lightning, and even the water can act as a conductor sometimes. 

This could cause you harm and could have a devastating impact, so whenever you witness a lightning flash while you’re swimming, make sure that you get out of the water body there and then. 

Hence, you must stay away from the water source during such dangerous weather as it can cause serious harm to an individual’s health. 

How Far Does Lightning Travel in Freshwater? 

The distance remains the same, approximately 20 meters vertically below the water surface. Lightning spreads evenly on the water surface. 

However, the place where the lightning strikes on the surface of the water has a large amount of voltage, and this voltage keeps diminishing as the current spreads through the water.  

So, you should not enter the freshwater body when you witness thunderous weather and should also abstain from entering the water body when lightning flashes occur. 

Hence, abstain from getting involved in activities related to swimming or boating during dangerous weather like thunderstorms and lightning. 

How Far Does Lightning Travel in a Pool? 

When swimming in a private pool, you should look out for thunderstorms and lightning flashes. 

They could cause some devastating impacts on the individual if he/she swims in the pool which has been struck by lightning. 

For the ones who go for a swim in a club or a public swimming area, they are directed to a safe shelter in thunderous weather. 

It is a rule that all kinds of pool activities should be suspended after a thunderstorm is heard. 

From the last thunder, one should wait for approximately thirty minutes to resume their pool activities. 

The lightning can travel up to 20 meters vertically beneath the water surface. Hence, one must stay below the surface of the water approximately up to 20 meters or get out of the pool.  

Hence, it is advisable that one should refrain from pool activities during a thunderstorm or a lightning flash as it can be hazardous and very dangerous for any human. 

How Far Does Lightning Travel in Saltwater? 

Saltwater or seawater is considered to be a good conductor of electricity. Hence, it will help the current to pervade widely. This means that swimming or traveling in seawater during a thunderstorm or during lightning is dangerous and can cause major harm to any individual present at the moment. 

The current penetrates the water hemispherically and dissipates up to 10 feet below the water surface. 

The electric current generated by lightning spreads horizontally on the water surface up to a distance of approximately 20 feet starting from the position of the strike. 

Hence, traveling in water, especially seawater can turn out to be harmful to an individual. The seawater acts as a conductor of electricity and can transfer the current to the human body and result in serious harm. 

The water of the sea should be avoided for swimming and related activities at any cost during terrible weather like thunderstorms and lightning. 

Can Lightning Travel Through the Plumbing? 

Plumbing is the system of pipes, fittings, tanks, and other apparatus which is utilized for the process of water supply and heating purposes. It is also used for sanitation purposes in the buildings daily. 

During lightning, it is recommended that everyone should try to stay away from showers and all other water sources. Lightning can strike water and cause current to spread through it which can be harmful and very dangerous to use. Hence, lightning can travel through plumbing. 

All activities listed below should be avoided during thunderous weather at all costs:

  • Avoid taking a shower

You should avoid taking a shower while a lightning flash is taking place. Also, you shouldn’t bathe in the rain which carries with itself a flash of lightning. You could end up hurting yourself if you indulge in any of the mentioned activities as they carry a threat with them. 

  • Do not take a bath

It is advised to not take a bath during a thunderstorm or when a lightning flash is taking place at your home or anywhere near. 

Your water tank can be electrocuted when the lightning flashes take place and it is a possibility that your water might have an electric current in it. 

Hence, it is recommended that you should avoid bathing during thunderstorms. 

  • Do not wash dishes

Just like avoiding bathing and taking a shower during lightning, it is also advised that you should avoid washing dishes. 

The water tanks of your house could be struck by lightning which will result in the eater getting electrocuted so it is recommended that you should not wash your dishes during this type of weather. 

  • Avoid washing your hands

Well, you might have to wash your hands before eating your food or for any other work during this period, but it is advisable to avoid hand washing at the time of the thunderstorm. 

Your water tank is prone to get electrocuted due to lightning flashes or thunderstorms, hence it is recommended to avoid hand washing at this time. 

How Deep Does a Lightning Strike Reach in Water? 

It is a popular belief that when a flash of lightning strikes the water surface, it implies that it is struggling to get back to earth, which means under the water. 

Hence, a simple answer to this question would be that the current passes down to the deep end of the water body, as far as it goes. 

However, as the current moves down to the bottom of the water body, the electrons begin to dissipate, and the current spreads in all directions. 

So, the answer to the question is that the lightning current can go deep down to the end of the water surface, no matter how deep the end is situated. 

Has Anyone Died From Lightning In A Pool?

People have died from lightning in a pool. Apart from that, you will find other statistics as well. For instance, between 2006 and 2015, there were around 71 water and lightning-related deaths. As per the statistics, around 20% were in boats whereas 8% of people were swimming. 

Therefore, it is definitely dangerous to stay in the water when lightning strikes.

What Is The 30-30 Rule For Lightning?

When it comes to lightning, you may have heard about the 30-30 rule. If not, let me tell you about it in detail. 

Typically, the 30-30 guidelines are followed to remain safe when lightning strikes. According to these guidelines, you need to count the seconds between lightning and hearing thunder noises. If you find that the total duration is less than 30 seconds, there is a lightning hazard. Therefore, you need to find shelter immediately. 

Given below are a few safety measures to consider when lightning strikes:

  • Don’t stay outdoors and avoid taking shelter beneath the trees.
  • Stay away from fences and wires.
  • Never lie down on the ground.
  • Stay away from any water source.

Final Thoughts

When a flash of lightning strikes water, the water is most likely to get electrocuted which will result in the current spreading in the water body in a pervasive manner. This can result in a lot of damage and harm to the individual who is traveling through the water at that time. The person has a complete possibility of getting an electric current. So, it is highly recommended that people stay away from the water surface during thunderstorms.  

Lightning can travel up to a distance of 20 meters if we see it in a vertical position. However, the current dissipates and diminishes as it goes down deeper into the water. 

So, to conclude this article, I would like to suggest that you should try to stay away from water and the water bodies like the sea, ocean, rivers, lakes or any kind of freshwater sources as they can cause a lot of damage to an individual during the time of lightning or a thunderstorm. 

I hope that this article gave you proper insight and you’ll now be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from the impact of lighting and thunderstorms.